Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #110

As I look back on this week, I have to be honest and say that not much happened.  No significant events happened that I could use for blog fodder. Again, it was a week of focusing on the little joys that make up my life.

1. My morning cuppa:  It's now cool enough in the mornings that it feels just right as I sit at my desk, sipping a cup of hot tea, and reading my various devotionals, emails and facebook messages. I always use my SOUTHEAST MISSOURI  UNIVERSITY MOM mug and my hot tea always has fat-free gourmet half and half in it!

2. Makeover: I did have one significant event, now that I think about it, and that was step one of a makeover that my hairdresser and I have planned.  I got a new haircut. Next week will be different highlights than what I have now.  A new haircut is always fun, and so far, I like it!

3. Soup Weather:  I love this time of the year when it's cool enough to have soup or chili for dinner. I've got some new soup recipes I want to try, and any kind of inspiration for the kitchen is certainly a welome favorite.  After you've been cooking for 34 years, you get a little burned out making the same dishes.

4. Cool enough for Cardigans:  I like to layer cardigans, blazers and jackets with my outfits, BUT I do not like to get "over warm."  It's beginning to get cool enough to get out some of my short sleeve jackets and cardigans, so I'm excited.

5. Mums:  Fall just means mums to me.  I love all the gorgeous colors of mums, especially the yellow ones.  Our neighbor next door to the church I work at has a couple of beautiful yellow mum bushes that just perk up the neighborhood!

I'm sorry I have no photos to share this week.  I still need to get out and get some fall pictures.  The season will pass quickly!

If you would like to share the highlights from your week, link up at Susanne's Living to Tell the Story.  Choose 5 highlights from your week, big or small, whatever brought a lift to your heart, or a smile to your face, and share it with us!  You'll be glad you did!


  1. Will we also get to see a photo of the new haircut - when the transformation is complete?

    I made chili last week - and bean soup this week... it MUST be Fall! I have to make my REALLY good chili next week for our Fall Festival at church - we have a chili cookoff!

    I like mums too... but I don't usually get any. I don't seem to be very good at keeping them alive...

  2. Hi Jerri...It's good to have a quiet week here and there. A new hairdo and color sounds like fun. I love fall weather and sweaters and little jackets :0)
    Time to get the pots out for good soup and chili.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Oh, I love "sweater weather" and soup and chili...! So nice.

    We do want to see the new haircut and highlights, you know.

    Sounds like you had a contented week - that's a blessing. Happy week ahead.

  4. Sometimes the quiet weeks can be the best. A new haircut—congratulations! Always a brave thing to do. I love fall mums, too. Mine are already starting to look bad though. I need to get some pansies planted in the ground now. Have a great weekend!

  5. Sounds great!!! :) I love a new haircut!! I had mine trimmed the week before last. My sister highlights if I want it.

    I love soup too! I need to find a Chicken Noodle Soup recipe and (this isn't soup) but a Beef Stew recipe.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I love my morning cuppa too - only I have half hot coffee and half hot milk. Yum! Our weather is cooling off as well - it's time for jackets up here.

    Mums are so pretty this time of year. I love the fall colours.

    Happy weekend!PS - don't forget to share your new soup recipes!

  7. It's funny how one person does not think there is anything special...and yet you had my heart as I dittoed so many of the same, layers,soups...quietness.

  8. With the Fall photos you are taking make sure to include a photo of the new haircut.

    It seems to be a chili time of year for many of use, it must be the weather.

    Yes, I'm all for sweater time of the year.

  9. It's wonderful to stop to remember the little things that make everyday life beautiful!

    I like mums, too! Last year I planted a few in the garden, so they're blooming now. I used to keep them in pots, then discard them; after a while I couldn't justify the cost of that.

  10. I love mums too. I usually get a couple of pots to put on my front steps but haven't so far this year because the flowers in my summer pots are still going strong and I hate to pull them out if they aren't dead. So summery is still the look going for me. LOL.

    A new haircut that works is the best pick me up! You'll have to show us a picture!


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