Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Words to Stand On - Worldly Thinking

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

I love how the New Century Version puts it:  "Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking..."

In other words, don't think like the world thinks.  The world says "look out for number one."  The Bible says "esteem others better than yourselves." (See Philippians 2:3) When someone hurts you, the world tells you to strike back, don't be a doormat, fight back.  God says, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay." (Romans 12:19) The world believes it is a good idea to live together before marriage to see if you're compatible.  God says the way to find out if a couple is compatible is to first make sure each are believers before getting married.  "What fellowship can light have with darkness?"  (See 2 Corinthians 6:14)

It's so easy to be worldly thinkers.  Everywhere we turn, our culture is telling us how to look, act, and spend.  We are bombarded everyday with commercials, billboard signs, music, TV and the internet influencing every area of our lives.

How do we transform our minds?  How do we think in new ways? 

Tune out!  There's an old computer term, GIGO, which means garbage in, garbage out.  Don't listen to the world's ideas.  If worldly music or television makes you want to live like the devil, turn it off!  If what your eyes see make you lustful, don't look! (Lust is not always sexual, a person can lust for material things.)

Take note! Read what God's word has to say. Study His Word like it is the wisdom of the ages - because it is! There is also a wealth of Christian literature to read.  Who has time to read worldly stuff if you're feasting on the Word?

Time out! Spend time praying and also in silence in order to hear the still small voice of God. He is more than willing to share His opinion if you are willing to sit in His presence.

You might have to give up some time zoning out in front of the TV but it will be worth it to have a renewed mind.  Would you rather have a mind filled with the possibilities and wonder of what God has in store or a mind filled with defeat and struggling to fit in with today's world?

I choose renewal!


  1. I choose renewal, too...of the body, mind, and spirit!

  2. Thank-you for that timely devotional..You said it...the world definitely has it's own ways of desensitizing His People. I need to keep praying this for my daughter....

  3. So often we moan because we don't know how to hear God' voice...we don't know what He wants us to do or which path to take. This verse tells us how to know what God's will is.....do not be conformed, be renewed in your mind. THEN...

    Good reminder!

    We become so like the world that there is no way the world can see Jesus in us.


    I have been in a period of renewal. He has been showing me that it is ok to not want the things of this world. That I don't have to want to be rich or have that car or whatever it is that tries to pull me away.

    I can be satisfied and content!!!

  5. You know? I used to watch a lot of television. But it's hardly on anymore.
    I had a certain show I "couldn't" miss. And then I began to wonder why? It didn't do anything to make me more like Jesus. Didn't edify me in any way.
    I haven't seen it in, uh, I don't know how long. And that's OK with me. I want to be conformed to HIM, not this world!

  6. Me too! And the funny thing is, I chose it even before I knew I was choosing it! But I LOVE this post! Absolutely LOVE it! And that verse was my memory verse a weeek or two ago!


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