This week's Works for Me Wednesday is a themed edition: we are to share our best tip that we have shared in the past. I pulled up all my WFMW posts and decided that my post about using totebags garnered the most attention. I truly do use this tip every day of my life!
Let me just say, "I love totebags!" A really cool totebag is so awesome. Maybe I love them so much is because I like to have my stuff with me wherever I go. As a former girl scout, I love to be prepared for anything.
However, the reason that I am Queen of the totebags is that I have learned to use them to be organized. If you are like me, you have more than one area of your life that you need to be organized. For example, I am a working mom with two jobs, a Sunday School teacher, and for the time being, a worship leader. I have totebags for each of these areas.
On Sundays, I obviously need the Sunday School totebag. I keep my notes for my lesson, my prayer list, notebook, pencil, and my "going to church" bible in this bag. [I don't take my study bibles to church because they are large print and so heavy. I have a cute pocket edition of the bible that I take to church and squint as I read.] This is also useful to take special items in. Did I promise to bring Sister Church Member a copy of my fabulous taco dip? I copy it and drop it into the Sunday School tote. Was I going to loan the Pastor a book? Drop it in the bag. When Sunday comes, I don't have to search for things, I just grab the bag and go.
I have totebags I carry for each job. For my main job that I go to every day, I also include some stationary, stamps, and greeting cards in that bag so that during lunch hours and breaks I can go about "encouraging others." I also put in bills that I need to pay, which takes away from the good feeling of encouraging others but keeps others from having to write me at the debtor's prison.
On Wednesdays, I take my work totebag and my worship leader totebag to work with me. On my lunch hour, I break out the worship leader bag and go through my songs for Wednesday night and get organized for the night. Then I leave the bag in my car so that as I rush home to fix dinner, clean up the kitchen and then jump in the car to drive 35 minutes to church my mind can be free of worrying that I forgot something.
When I used to go to Curves [long story] I had my workout totebag with, you guessed it, work out clothes and tennis shoes.
When I tan, about a month every year, there is a special totebag with my tanning lotion, goggles, etc.
I'm just sayin', every area of my life has a totebag. It works for me!
We have bags for all occasions as well. We even have bought my daughter 2 of the same bible so she will have 1 in her awana/church bag at all times.
ReplyDeleteYou sound so organized! I needed a good excuse to get a cute totebag I just saw. Now I have it!
Oh, to be so organized! This sounds pretty easy though, maybe I'll give it a try.
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I knew I was headed in the right direction, but I just "need" more totebags! My husband will be so excited *grin*! Thanks for the great tips!