Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Praising for life's comforts

Two days left on recapping my most popular Praise Posts! A Praise Post is a post giving 5 praises for the blessings in our lives, be they big or small, spectacular or ordinary.  Here's mine for today:

  1. I'm thankful for the military. I do not take their sacrifice lightly.  My son-in-law will be deployed soon and will be serving our country. He is sacrificing time with his family to protect America. (In 2019, I can say, God kept His hand on him. He is back in the States, and he is home, living life with the fam!)
  2. Hot cocoa - I love its warm chocolaty goodness
  3. Warm socks - I'm not a happy camper if my toes are cold!
  4. Prayer - I'm thankful to be able to call on God anytime I need Him. I don't have to go through a priest. He is always available and will listen.
  5. Laughter - If I'm feeling down, finding something funny will lift me up quicker than anything. (I keep a joke file in case I'm desperate!)

What's the quickest thing to bring a smile to your face?

Got a praise - or five? Leave a comment and share!

I'm linking this with the community at 


  1. Great post! I love being grateful for simple, little things. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  2. Good things to be thankful for. Belly laughter always puts a smile on my face!

  3. It's Jacaranda blossom time here in Australia, they're lilac beauty always brings a smile & joy to my heart!
    You're most welcome to join me in a cuppa at Tea With Jennifer,
    Bless you,


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