Friday, May 24, 2019

Influencing your culture

Culture is today’s word prompt at FiveMinute Friday. I immediately thought of two ways to use the word culture, the way society behaves, or the medical term of growing bacteria, etc. in a condition suitable for growth. (Sometimes cells are taken to grow in a culture to determine what a disease really is.)

So, for the next five minutes, I will examine both concepts.


As a faith writer, I want my words to influence the culture around me. I want to spread hope! I sure don’t want the culture I live in to influence me. We live in a dark time where everybody’s ideas of right and wrong are far from biblical, and a voice speaking truth and hope needs to be heard above all the conflicting babel we hear. 

As I see it, our job as faith writers is to gently point back to Christ in everything we say and do.

A former pastor’s motto is “Jesus Christ is the center of everything.”

That motto resonates with me.

I want Him to be at the center of everything I do, every word I write, every word I say.

The Word tells us to speak the truth in love; I think the same is true for writing.

I want to build around my friends and family a culture that is suitable for growth: plenty of doses of the Word, with prayer and praise surrounding us.


What are some ways you think our culture can be influenced? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

I'm linking with these communities:


  1. I love this. I hope to influence culture by loving like Jesus and speaking Truth with a capital T ❤️

  2. Great post, Jerralea. The world "culture" seems to be such a buzz word nowadays even within the church setting but I love how you simply broke it down. I really took away the sentence that said "we are to gently point back to Christ in everything we say and do" and "build a culture that is suitable for growth". Sometimes we go in so harshly with the truth that it does not promote growth but hurt or resentment. Great thoughts.

  3. Reminds me of 2 Timothy 2: 22-26 ...And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will."

  4. the best way I know to influence the current american culture is by simply showing love. People desperately want to be understood and loved. I can love even if I don't agree with someone's belief system, religion or lack thereof, or their sexual identify, etc. Love. the way Jesus does. And like you said, by speaking (or writing) TRUTH. Not preachy or pushy. Just truth in love.

  5. I like where you took the word culture - you made it personal. Good job.

  6. "I want to build around my friends and family a culture that is suitable for growth: plenty of doses of the Word, with prayer and praise surrounding us." That's a culture I want to be surrounded by. Thanks for doing your part, Jerralea!


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