Wednesday, April 18, 2018

AmaZing Love Poured Into Us

On my journey, I’ve experienced some special times at altar services. Times when God’s children gather together and pray for one another are precious.

One such time stands out in my mind.

We had a fairly new believer start attending our church. Finding the Lord after a lifetime of addiction, pain and heartache, she was needing reassurance of God’s love.

It seemed whenever an altar call was given, there she was seeking.

She was a little apologetic at first, but we all reassured her that it was absolutely fine to come up for prayer as often as she felt led to come.

One day, I was standing back from the crowd of people who were praying for her with raised hands. As I looked over, I had a vision of a giant heart poised above her head, and as people prayed, little hearts floated down from heaven filling the giant heart. The giant heart would then leak love onto her. All the people praying around her had glowing faces, as if they, too, had been filled with love.

Of course, this was a spiritual vision, not an actual one; however, it’s always so beautiful to see people passionately praying for one another.

I’ve often wished I could draw the vision as I saw it in my mind’s eye; but God has not gifted me with that ability.

When I saw this scripture in Romans, I recalled that day.

and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Romans 5:5 NKJV

The original Greek word, ”ekcheō” translated  “poured,”  means to gush (pour) out, run greedily (out).

Which ever way God chooses to inundate us with His love, I know it will be more than enough and meet every need of our heart.

He’s pretty AmaZing!


Be encouraged on your journey Home to AmaZing Love. It. Will. Be. Worth. Everything!

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I'm linking up this post with the community at Jennifer Dukes Lee's #TellHisStory, because His story is that He is full of AmaZing love.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if you could find someone to draw your vision for you. I think that young woman was wise enough to know she needed the prayer of many during that season of her life and was willing to come down to the altar and get prayer time after time. Your theme for A/Z is a good one!



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