Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sitting Still

Pascal, the great French philosopher and Christian, once said: "Nearly all the ills of life spring from this simple source: that we are not able to sit still in a room."

I'll be the first to admit that sitting still is really hard for me. 

Oh, I can sit alright.  

As long as I have a device, book or pad and pencil, I'm perfectly happy.

But being still is another matter.

Even when my eyes are drinking in this summer beauty at my favorite lake, it's a struggle to get my brain to quiet down and listen.

Why am I listening and waiting?

I'm eager to hear what the Lover of my soul has to say ...


What about you? Do you have trouble being still? Let me know in the comments if you agree with me:  it takes practice to be still.

This post was written in response to two prompts at Writer's Workshop: 1. Write a blog post in exactly 8 lines, and, 6. Your favorite summer view so far. You can read all the responses at ..Mama's Losin' It


  1. I can sit still for way too long at times. Especially in front of the TV when I have a long list of things to get done.

  2. I do have trouble sitting still before the Lord and quiet my brain. Even if the place I am at is silent and serene. So I usually pray in those moments and talk to God about whatever is on my mind. I figure at some point He will make things clear. :}

  3. Yes...true stillness....stopping doing, thinking...just being. I don't know how to do it.

  4. It does take practice to be still. It's something you have to work on all the time.

  5. It's gotten easier for me to do as I've gotten older. My stress level is pretty low right now since I'm not working, so that helps. Beautiful view!

  6. Yes, and amen, I have lots of trouble sitting still.

  7. I completely understand how hard it is to be still, but as the Lord has drawn my heart down and away from writing (hopefully, temporarily), and into moments of Sabbath rest, I'm learning to do it.....and it is so GOOD. It does take practice and I do not always get it right, but the more I do it, the more I crave it. Beautiful post, J.

  8. Nice thoughts, we do need to regularly still our minds and just listen.
    It's hard for me to sit still. I see people with desk jobs and think I would go nuts. Actually, some of my best "still mind" times are when I'm walking or bicycling.

  9. You are like my husband. He couldn't sit still to save his life. He was raised in the "idle hands are the devil's workshop" frame of mind. I on the other hand need a regular dose of stillness to keep my mind clear and sharp. It is when I feel closest to God.

  10. I think stillness is definitely a habit to be cultivated. I does not come naturally in this day and age with everything that is constantly competing for our mind space.

  11. When I'm not sitting still I WISH I had a moment to sit still and when I have a moment to sit still I spend it thinking of things to keep busy with. ;)


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