We are a topic driven link-up, which means that we link posts that pertain to the topic of the week. Posts that are not on topic will be deleted.
We will offer a month's worth of topics each week so you can plan and prepare for a post that helps you enter into the conversation.
Here are the topics for the next month:
- November 2 - 23 ~ We are posting about Thanksgiving and Thankfulness all month long
- December ~ The Loft will be closed all month to celebrate Jesus' birth and give us time with our families
If you link up at The Loft, please do not link-and-run. We want to create conversation and community, therefore, we ask that if you linkup one post, please visit two others. There are some beautiful people who link-up each week, and visiting their posts is the best way to get to know them.
Now, it is time to get to today's link-up. Our prompt today is THANKSGIVING. Enjoy the fellowship at The Loft.
Now it is time to linkup!
Jerralea! Congratulations on making it through the 31 days! You must be ready for a bit of a break, but here you are, faithful as ever! Your last post is sitting in my inbox waiting for me to catch up with reading. Blessings to you and yours!