Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Path for Good Success

I've been around awhile. I'm not a newbie, but I can tell you one thing for sure: I still need to be taught.

Almost every day, I find some new area of interest, something I didn't know that I needed to learn. More God-knowledge, more people skills, more practical information about the best way to live this one beautiful life I've been given.  I don't think the need for being taught will ever end.

WHO I receive my teaching from is most important. Wisdom tells me to receive knowledge from the Lord. 

"For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;" Proverbs 2:6

There are voices everywhere clamoring for our attention and telling us what we need to be successful in this world. 

There is only one sure way to have good success.

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." Joshua 1:8 ESV

Yes, God will teach you through past experiences, godly counsel, prayer and communion with the Savior, but all these resources must line up with the Word. He will never tell you something that goes against His Word.

I want to always be a woman of the Word walking the right path, so being in the Word is a priority with me. 

What do you think? Are you on the path God has for you?

The Loft

Today, I'm sharing this post with the community at The Loft. You can click here to link up your own post.


  1. I know whenever I hear something that doesn't seem "right" I'll look to see if I can confirm its authenticity in the Bible or if I can refute it from what I read in the Bible. So true to see your wisdom from the right good true source.


  2. Love this. Wisdom comes from God alone. Thanks for the encouragement to seek him in all things and let his voice be the one which guides me!

  3. Amen! His Word has the 1st and last say. What a guidebook He has given!

  4. Yes, I am on the path of God. Do I move off, yes, unfortunately. It always happens when I look down and inward instead of up and outward. #theloft

  5. Yes, we all need to stay open to wisdom and good teaching because none of us have arrived... yet!

  6. I have the "where should I put my energy" conversation with myself off and on, and, by grace, have always come back to the truth that you express so well here. If I write about anything else, teach about anything else, or invest my time in anything other than the Word and obedience to God on this planet, I'm just investing in the temporary.

  7. To constantly be aware of the path we are walking on. So many things can lead us astray... Joshua 1:8 explains it well, ALWAYS meditate on the Word, keeping the Lord close to us! I know when I begin the slip off the path but God is always there to gently help me back! Blessings to you!


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