Friday, April 12, 2013



Ah, sweet Friday has made her way around again! 

Again, this week on the Journey has been relatively quiet, but as noted previously, there is a beauty to quiet ordinary days.  A time to rest and reflect.

A time to count 5 highlights (or more) of my week and be appreciative:

1.  One of the things I love about Fridays is the chance to wear jeans!  I started to say it's Casual Friday, but seriously, I never dress casually.  I wear jeans, yes, but always a dressy top, jewelry ... the whole bit.  I hate it when I go to the bank and their Casual Friday attire looks like they are ready to clean out the garage.  Come on, people!   Have you never heard of dark wash denim?

But, I digress from my point:  Fridays are special because I get to wear my jeans.

2.  Spring like weather - it got into the eighties twice this week! Okay, it's back to 46° today, but at least we had glimpses of warm weather.

I've got flower - fever.  Must. Plant. Some. Soon.

3.  I read a great blog post from Lisa Bevere, who asks the question, "What is in your life that the enemy wants to arrest?  Here is the link: There is a Warrant Out for your Arrest.

4.  Quote of the week:

The best place to make a home is in the state of amazing grace.
… Ann Voskamp, A Holy Experience
Oh, that we might extend grace to all who live with us. (Well, really, we should extend grace to everyone ...)

5.  I enjoyed getting several posts written this week.  My hubby asked me the other night, "Don't you get tired of writing all the time?"  Ummm... no, I don't!  My favorite post to write was Blind Faith.  Sometimes, "Your miracle might just be waiting for you to be obedient."

And so another week on the Journey ends.  If you'd like to share your week, link up at Susanne's blog, Living to Tell the Story.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Jerralea,
    Glad you had a good week!
    It is hard to imagine it being cold still, but I think I would like it. I think Spring can be enjoyed with warm, sunny days or cooler days either way.

    I really enjoyed reading your quote, and your post on Blind Faith also.
    And I definitely agree there is beauty to quiet, ordinary days. They are so pleasant.

    Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  3. whata great list of faves! I am going to read your blind Faith post tomorrow when i am more awake!! i LOVE the simple ordinary days..i need more of those....mine have been much too hectic and busy this school year. I too am craving flowers!!! enjoy the weekend

  4. Such pretty petunias! And I love that amazing grace quote. I'm on the hunt for the simple and ordinary. Somehow, I think it might turn up after the last day of the school year...

  5. Sometimes when we're in the midst of ordinary we have a hard time noticing blessings but there is lots to be found in those kinds of weeks too!

    We've had teasings of gorgeous weather, getting into the 70's on the occasional day and this weekend are spring snow warnings. I can hardly wait for it to be consistently warm!

  6. Boy, I know what you mean about casual! Our office calls it "business casual" to avoid that cleaning-out-the-garage look.

    I'm sure you must have flower fever. I can't imagine waiting until April to get some!

  7. I agree on the casual Friday, I'm all for dressing down or wearing comfortable shoes, but hooded sweatshirts and flip flops are just sloppy- not casual ;)


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