Monday, July 23, 2012



Outside my window.
..bright sunshine and HOT, HOT, HOT weather.  (I think I said that last week.  The forecast is for more of the same ...)

I am thinking...of how glorious this world is that God created for us.  I feel so sorry for those who have no joy and cannot see the good that He has made.

I am thankful... endlessly for air conditioning.

In the kitchen...pork chops tonight.  Later in the week, spaghetti and garlic bread, hamburgers, and a new chicken alfredo roll-up recipe.

I am wearing
... purple maxi skirt and black top.

I am creating...a Christ-centered home.  It's a work-in-progress.

I am lunch today with a cousin that I hardly ever get to see.  I'm so looking forward to it.

I am reading... still on the Bonhoeffer biography.  I'm still on the early years before the war.

I am hoping...for inspiration

I am looking forward week's vacation.  I'll be visiting my sister in East Tennessee.  Yesterday it was 73° at her place while we were in 98° heat!  I may be moving to East Tennessee ... just kidding!

I am learning... about the inventor of air conditioners.  Since I'm always saying how thankful I am for air conditioning, I decided to look up Google who actually invented it.  The recognized father of air conditioning is Willis Haviland Carrier, who patented his ideas in 1906.  You can read all about it here.  May God bless the Carriers forever!

Around the house... a new project:  refinishing an utility cart.

I am pondering...still thinking on last Friday's post, More Than Enough - when is enough, enough?  I know I have everything I need, yet it is so much fun to have something new.  One thing, though, that is never wrong to want more and more of, and that is the presence of God.  I can't get enough of Him!

A favorite quote for today...

In opposition... to all the suggestions of the devil, the sole, simple, and sufficient answer is the word of God. This puts to flight all the powers of darkness...
Charles Hodge 
You have to know the Word to use it!

One of my favorite things... a clean and organized kitchen.  I can't leave the house every day until my kitchen is in order.  I love coming home to a clean space.

A few plans for the rest of the week: getting things ready at work for my co-worker to do while I'm on vacation, getting my hair done, and Friday is date night with our friends Wayne and Glenda.

A peek into my day...

Stuffed raspberries!  So simple, just insert a white chocolate chip in the end of each raspberry.  So yummy, it's my morning snack today.

(Don't you just love my glass dish I found at a yard sale?)

Daybooks are the brain-child of Peggy Hostetler.  If you'd like to link up, visit her blog, The Simple Woman's Daybook.


  1. Love the stuffed raspberries and yes, I love the glass bowl too!
    We are suffering this heat as well and trying to make the best of it. Have a great vacation.

  2. A great list, and I'm with you on the AC. SOOO grateful! Those raspberries look wonderful!


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