Thursday, December 15, 2011

Roast ? Not Again!

When I was a kid, my mom loved to serve pot roast on Sundays after church.  I mean every. Single. Sunday.

I certainly understand why.  Pot roast is simple meal to put together.  You assemble it in the morning before church.  It cooks while you are gone.  Upon arriving home, all you had to do was slice the roast and make gravy. You could eat quickly and then have plenty of time for that other religious experience:  the Sunday afternoon nap.

It is said that familiarity breeds contempt.  Concerning the pot roast and me, truer words were never spoken.

Being a teenager, I would sigh dramatically when the meal was presented.  "Mom!  Roast?  Not Again!"  I admit it, there was a touch of whining in my tone. Okay, there was a lot of whining going on.  However, mom never relented; and therefore, I learned to make barbecue sandwiches out of my pot roast.

When I left home and began cooking on my own, it was a long, long time before I tackled learning to make a pot roast. I mean, it was years, like about 15 years.

Not too long ago, I instituted a menu plan at my household.  28 meals served on a rotating basis.  My theory was, "don't complain, you only have to eat it once a month."  I like to make Sundays special, so I let each one pick their favorite Sunday meal.

Ironically, my pick for Sunday dinner?  You guessed it, pot roast!

After all that griping and whining as a kid, why would I pick pot roast for a Sunday meal? 

Well ...

It's because it leaves more time for my favorite longed-for activity:  Sunday afternoon napping.

I guess I'm my mother's daughter, after all!

I'm linking up at Mama Kat's Pretty Much World Famous Writer's Workshop, writing on Prompt 5, "Describe your least favorite meal growing up"


  1. There is definitely something to be said for that Sunday afternoon nap! And pot roast is good too!

  2. Oh, that is classic ! I have to admit that I quite like roast...but never really liked my mother's roast. She tended to over cook them in the oven, whereas I use the crock pot and they tend to be much moister that way.

  3. LOL - great story!

    My mom cooked roast for Sunday dinner every week, too - or at least, that's what it seems like.

    I have to admit, with Melinda, that roast was not my favorite because (as I learned later in life) my mom overcooked her roast.

  4. OK, do you share that wonderful list of 28 meals?

    I did get a laugh out of this story because my husband refuses to eat pot roast. The story our children hear is that his sister asked for pot roast for her birthday dinner EVERY year and he had no idea why. I have a feeling it was the over cooked theme woven through these comments, he eats his beef mooing.


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