Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Random for 10/27/10

Today there are only 2 Random Dozen questions:

1. What scares you the most

A) Physically
B) Emotionally

Why does it scare you, and how do you cope?

Physically, I'm terrified of mice and I'm terrified of heights.  It's a toss-up between the two.  I think the reason mice scare me is because one of my earliest memories is seeing a mouse jump out of a cereal box and my mother screaming.  (Who wouldn't?)  And the reason I'm afraid of heights is because I don't want to fall and hurt myself. I cope by buying lots of mice poison and never going higher than the second rung of a ladder.

Emotionally, the idea of losing one of my children scares me the most.  I think that is a fear most moms have.  I cope by reminding myself of 1 Corinthians 10:13 which tells me that God will not put more on me than I can bear. If ever I have to walk through that valley, He will carry me through it.

2. What comes to mind when you read the phrase, "Nothing gold can stay?"

When I hear "nothing gold can stay" I think of another phrase "this, too, shall pass."  This is the way life is, nothing stays the same forever, both good and bad will pass away. Life is change.

If you'd like to join in the randomness, visit Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee.


  1. Oh my...the sight of a mouse jumping out of a cereal box would freak me out too! No wonder you don't like them!!

  2. Pretty sure I'd jump too if a mouse jumped out of a cereal box (or any box) at me! Yikes!

  3. I have the same emotional fear....and I loved your take on the bad doesn't hang around any more than the good. Thanks for playing!

  4. I used to be terrified of mice, too, but somehow I overcame that fear. I don't go crazy if I see one now. (Of course, if one jumped out of a box at me, I'd freak out!) I am afraid of heights, too, but I haven't been able to get over that one! I, too, try to stay on the ground! Have a great day! Kathy

  5. Nope, don't want to even think about a mouse jumping out of a cereal box. There would be more than screaming going on. lol
    Enjoyed your answers.
    until next time... nel

  6. Anything jumping out of a box at me would leave me screeching. A couple of summers ago I was out watering potted plants and couldn't figure out why I was just getting a dribble from the watering can - so I turned it towards me to look in the spout. I screeched - there was a garter snake in the can and his head was poking into the tip of the spout. Hub got rid of it for me.

  7. I don't like mice... but I'm not afraid of them. I was in the room when my daughter (who is TERRIFIED of them) put a piece of bread in the toaster and popped it down - and a mouse jumped out of there pretty darn fast!!! I laughed so hard - she SCREEEEEEEAMED and we had to go buy a new toaster! LOL!

    I agree that all Mom's worry about losing a child. I did come to terms long ago with the fact that IF it happens God WOULD get me through it. My sister lost both of her children. Nothing has ever been sadder.

  8. Anything breathing in a cereal box would unnerve me...but I am more scared of reptiles than anything...

    You worded the emotional fear of every mother very well...


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