Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday's Fave Five- April 10, 2009

Once again, it's Friday! It's time to reflect back on our week and pick 5 favorites. It can be anything; events, pictures, quotes, recipes, etc.

I guess I might entitle my 5: "In Search of Spring!"

1. To make my home decor more in tune with Spring, I bought some tulips and daffodils to put over my sink. True, they won't last long as the season for these kind of flowers is almost gone, but, hey, I'll have bulbs for next year.

I'll always have the pictures to remember them!

2. Next, the hubby and I took a drive to the area parks to see if we could find any Spring flowers, bushes, or flowering trees. I have to tell you the ice storms we had have set the vegetation way back from blooming. We did find a nice picture of a flowering tree in my favorite color:

Okay, we're not going to talk about the fact that just two days later, it was spitting snow at lunch time! What's up with that?

3. Today, Friday, is one of my favorite things: a day off! Today's Good Friday, and Spring always comes after Easter! (I don't know why I'm so impatient for Spring, it just means hot days and higher air conditioning bills are just around the corner!)

4. Wednesday, my family went to my daughter's church to hear a special speaker. I have to say that worshiping as a family is definitely one of my favorites. The speaker, Rev. Steve Samson, was very interesting and humorous. I think you can attract people's attention more when you add humor into the mix.

5. In our Sunday School class we are having some discussions on legalism. The Holy Spirit reminded me of this favorite scripture:

John 6:28 Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" 29 Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."

Our work is to believe. Think about it - that can often be harder than you think!

I hope you've had a wonderful week. Why not join the others at Susannne's Living to Tell the Story and tell us all about it?


  1. Lovely flowers! I almost bought some pink tulips, but didn't -- Maybe I'll see if they still have them this weekend.

    LOVE days off!! And I love the weather this time of year.

    I love worshiping as a family, too, and that last verse is one of my favorites.

    Happy Easter!

  2. I love worshipping as a family too and we've had that this week with my girl being home from school. It was so nice to have us all together in church again.

    Love your flowers. It does bring spring inside. I wish I had a ledge by my kitchen sink. I've got the window but no place to put any flowers.

    I am thoroughly enjoying my day off also!

  3. I know what you mean about the weird weather. Glad to see in our area that bushes, etc. survived it. I don't know if you are a LOST watcher,but I am. The show has what appears to be a real GOD vs. Science thread running through it and I hope when it is over I'm not disappointed; however there was a line this week about one of the characters who has always been so sure of himself saying something to the effect of him having to see it to believe it--such a Doubting Thomas comment. When I read your post on our job is to believe I just thought yes it is. He is risen.

  4. Wonderful pictures of the flowers. Great FFF. Happy Good Friday :)

  5. Family worship - how wonderful. I love your pictures, so pretty.
    And the scripture is great.
    I enjoyed reading your list.
    Happy Easter!

  6. worshipping with your family - a great item for a favorite five list!

    Great scripture to remind us of what is important!

  7. Happy Fave Fives!

    Happy Easter!

  8. Flowers, blossoms, a day off, ... sounds wonderful! Happy Easter!


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