Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday's Fave 5 - January 23, 2009

Another Friday has rolled around. It's time to reflect on my week and join in at Friday's Fave 5.

1. My favorite thing that happened to me this week is receiving this bouquet of flowers:

This bouquet was sent to me by my friends Don and Alma a little early for my birthday. First, a little background information about Don and Alma: Don had broken his hip and is in the hospital for about 3 weeks rehab. Alma, of course, is right by his side, even sleeping overnight in his hospital room. The thing that makes this bouquet so special is that Alma took the time to send this to me while they are staying at the hospital. Imagine! Consumed with all the details about Don's recovery, yet she takes time to send ME flowers. I feel humble to have such awesome friends!

2. My next favorite thing that happened to me this week is I did not total my car! I collided with a deer but had minimal damage. (See my Thankful Thursday post.)

3. Third on my list is that I got my computer back. My wonderful hubby let me use his computer, desk and chair while mine was in the shop, but there is nothing like my own computer, desk and chair! (I'm like Beth Moore when she talks about liking my comforts!)

4. Today is a beautiful sunny day and it's going to be in the 50's! Another favorite thing -- warm -- but not hot! -- temperatures.

5. I have another favorite quote to share: "Remember loving yourself does not mean indulging yourself." (Pam Young)

What's your Friday's Fave 5? Join the fun at Susanne's!


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog today. I love reading new blogs and I liked your Fave 5. Isn´t it great to have good friends, who send you flowers!?

  2. Oh my word, colliding with a deer is not fun. Glad you are ok. Flowers is always nice!!

  3. A bouquet is definitely list worthy!

  4. What pretty flowers!

  5. Hi Jerralea! Those are such sweet thoughtful friends. Happy birthday early to you! Colliding with a deer! Oh my! I'm glad you weren't hurt...
    Enjoy your weekend...

  6. I'm so glad you didn't get hurt with the deer collision - we don't have deer on the Island but my SIL lives in PA so we know all about the dangers!

    Your bouquet is beautiful and how sweet of your friends to remember you in the middle of their difficulties. True friendship is such a gift!

  7. Love the bouquet, and #5. I need to remember that one.


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