Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Mercy Nipping at my Heels


Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me 

All the days of my life;

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.

 Psalm 23:6 New King James Version



It occurred to me that all this time, I’ve been focusing on the goodness part chasing me down. You know, like good things happening, God bringing Romans 8:28 into play, always working out what seems to be a bad situation and turning it for my good.


But today, I thought about the mercy part. Mercy is chasing me down to give me undeserved favor. Mercy is bringing forgiveness my way because forgiveness is in mercy’s DNA. What if mercy is nipping at my heels to cover my mess-ups? When I make a mistake, is mercy working things out so the damage is minimal? Is it actually turning the mistake into a good thing for someone in my circle? Is it paving the way for God to bring about something better all because I flubbed up?


What an awesome plan! How good You are to us, God! Never in a million years could we ever come up with plans as good as Yours. We worship Your brilliance and Your goodness.


Now, Lord, today, I ask You to open our eyes and let us see Your working out of mercy and goodness in our lives. Bless my friends, Father, abundantly with Your love, protection and guidance. Make them fruitful and fulfilled in every way.


In Jesus’ name, so be it, amen.


Dear readers, I'm so happy to pop in with a prayer for you. I miss blogging so much. I've determined to resume sharing prayers with you as much as I can. In 2025, my work schedule will be lightened, and I hope to be able to share more content.

I'm further along with my goal of working with my writing coach on my novel. I'm now officially half way! I am so thankful for the inspiration God has given me, and the instruction from my writing coach. I'm working with the fabulous Adrienne Ross, founder of Adrienne Ross Communications, and author of Push Your Way to Purpose. She is a true blessing in my life.

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy. 


Thanks for dropping by the Journey! I want to always share my post, A Ticket Home, for those who might not know the way Home.

I'm sharing this prayer at these awesome sites: 

I am so thankful for bloggers like Patsy,Burnette with  InstaEncouragment Link-Up, Joanne Viola with Let's Have Coffee, Maree Dee with Grace & Truth, and Paula Short with Sweet Tea & Friends Monthly Link Up, who offer a place for us to share our work and where we can meet other writers. Thank You!

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