Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 6 - Know

There are some things you just know.

For example, when you ask people how they knew who to marry, they always tell you they met their spouse and they just knew that one was the right one for them.

I didn't understand that until I met my Mr. Right. Then I just knew.

I'm the same way about Jesus. I grew up knowing about Him because my mom took me to church from the time I was a small baby. I grew up going to Sunday School and learning about Him.

Yes, I was very blessed.

I never had any doubts, still don't. I know 100% that Jesus is real and every word in the bible is true. I just know it. Nothing can change my mind.

But for a long time, I had trouble believing that Jesus loved me, Jerralea, just as I am. Because I know the real me and how unworthy I really am.

It's taken two things to help me get over those feelings. One is being in the Word and reading over and over how much He loves me.

And He has proved His love for me by the many many times He has heard my prayers and answered them. He didn't answer them always in the way I thought He should. Sometimes He said no. Sometimes, most times, He has said wait.

If you ever had an answered prayer, you can use that as the basis for the next time you have a need, you can remember how He moved in your life before.

I don't have the time to list for you all the times He has answered prayer for me but I can share with you the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of a time He gave me what I yearned for - my three beautiful daughters.

After 10 years of infertility, I know God heard me.


What is it that you "know" beyond a shadow of a doubt? Your words are important, and I'd be honored if you'd leave a comment and share!

This post is Day 6 of a series entitled 31 Days of Life on the Journey where I share about my journey as a believer, wife, mom and grandmother.  I invite you to return each day to find the newest link here. Myquillin at The Nester is the creator of the 31 Day Challenge.  I'm linking this post to the category, "Faith and Inspiration." You can also visit Kate's blog, "Heading Home" to read the posts of all the other participants of the 31 day challenge who are writing on her daily prompts for 5 minutes. Today's prompt is "know."

You can read each day's post in order as they are published by clicking on the link here. Or you could subscribe to my blog - I wouldn't want you to miss a thing! Just fill in your email address in the box below the words "Follow by email" second from the top in the upper right hand column.

1 comment:

  1. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God is for me and not against me and that he truly does love me so very much!



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