Who is the one that is central in your life? in your thoughts?
Do you live for you? Or is your life based on those you love?
I know it is often a real struggle for me because, frankly, I'm self-centered. I don't mean I'm selfish, I'm just often wrapped up in my own world. What I must do that day and what I want to accomplish are often in the forefront of my thoughts. I have to be reminded often, "It's not about me."
Instead, I want my thoughts to be on the One whom I adore. The One who gave everything to me. I also want to be thinking of my loved ones and those I come in contact every day. How can I serve them? How can I encourage?
It's a paradox, but the more love you give away, the more comes back to you. The more you give your life, the more life you receive. Abundantly!
This post was written in community with the April A-Z blogging challenge. To read others' work, go here.
I too am self centered (aren't we all, LOL). I wrote this a while back and posted it on my other blog, A Bench's Notebook,
I want to really learn to "play" to the audience of One and have it all be about him; I continue to be a work in progress.