Grace means undeserved favor.
You can't earn it.
You can only accept it.
Not only do I love receiving grace (believe me, I can earn nothing on my own!), but I also want to be a grace extender. I pray that I can be so full of God's love for others that when someone needs forgiving, I can do it.
After all, when I think of how much grace He has given me, it's a small thing to give someone else a break.
And if you can't bring yourself to give grace, ask Him for help. He will give you some of His.
This post was written in community with the April A-Z blogging challenge. To read others' work, go here.
Such a wonderful gift with God's grace; sometimes so hard to extend to others indeed.
So true. It's amazing how I can be guilty of withholding grace from others in everyday situations when I have been given it so freely and abundantly. Reminds me of the parable of the talents. Thanks again for sharing these each day, Jerralea!