Saturday, November 29, 2008

November Challenge - Giving Thanks - Day 27-29

Well, I have 4 days left in my Giving Thanks Challenge. I hope that everyone has been concentrating on things they are thankful for in this Thanksgiving season. Now, I'd like to focus on being thankful for some spiritual blessings:

Day 27, Thursday, November 27: I am so thankful for salvation! I'm thankful that Jesus paid the price for my eternal life. If I had to earn my way into heaven, I'd probably never make it.

Day 28, Friday, November 28: I am thankful that the righteousness of Jesus is imputed unto me. In other words, when God looks at me, He sees the righteousness of Jesus covering me. Not my own righteousenss (right standing with God), because I know that my righteousness is like filthy rags. Even on my best day, I fall short. Yet God loves me anyway and made a way to cover me!

Day 29, Saturday, November 29: I am beyond thankful that God loves me in spite of all my flaws. Here's one of my all time favorite scriptures:

For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
Psalm 103:11

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