Friday, March 21, 2025


 When my boyfriend and I decided to get married, he gave me an engagement ring as a sign to show that we were involved in each other's lives.

In the same way, when you are engaged in some kind of activity, there are signs showing your engagement:

  • You can't quit talking about the thing you are excited in.
  • You are immediatedly captivated whenever there is some kind of break-through or an improvement involving your area of interest.
  • You will go to great lengths - and sometimes expense - to participate in your area of interest.
  • When you are engaged in your area of interest, you are all in. You are not halfheartedly paying attention.
Besides marriage, I made the choice many years ago to be engaged with my Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm part of the body of Christ, and I express that by being engaged in my local church. I'm all in!

Whar are you engaged in?


I wrote this post in response to Five Minute Friday's prompt, "engage." In the interest of full disclosure, I wrote the above post in 5 minutes, but took extra time to make a graphic.

Thanks for dropping by the Journey! I want to always share my post, A Ticket Home, for those who might not know the way Home.

This time of year is the perfect time to consider how much margin is in your life. You may want to read my series A Rich and Satisying Life. (No, it’s not about money.)

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy. 

Sharing at Five Minute Friday


  1. There was a time I was engaged
    in the golfing game,
    and it made me quite deranged
    and some might say, insane,
    for it became the metaphor
    for all my living days,
    and my mind did shut the door
    on any other ways
    to deduce and calculate
    my labour and its worth.
    Thus indeed my mental state
    was as not far from birth,
    and with mind of a babe, agog,
    saw not that backwards 'golf' is 'flog'.

    1. I'd say you were definitely engaged in golf! Thanks for dropping by, Andrew!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Annette. Congrats on being featured on FMF!

  3. So true, whatever we are engaged in is what we want to talk about! Stopping in from the FMF link-up.

    1. Amen! I want to always be talking about the goodness of God. Great to see you, Cindy!

  4. Liked, "when you are engaged you are involved."
    Amen to that.

  5. I so agree. Two of the best decisions I have made in my life were to engage with God and then my husband. Still going strong with both after all these years :)

    1. Not many can say that! Thanks for dropping by, Joanne.

  6. Engagements are so exciting - so full of energy and meaning. Church becomes that way when you become committed through supporting each other through ministry. There's a ministry a group of people and I started about three years ago - all because God said, "Hotdogs." We started serving hotdogs to people who walked by our church or lived across the street. We call it "Hotdogs & Prayer." It has been one of the most profound engagement experiences I've experienced.

    1. Hotdogs and Prayer! Love it! It's so true that when you pray for people you have to become engaged.

  7. Thanks for sharing. I’m engaged in family, friends, and the Lord. He’s my everything! ❤️ G

    1. He's my everything, too. Good to see you, Gina.


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