Friday, July 29, 2016

Wrapping Up July

It's a regular practice of mine to reflect on the past month before going on to a fresh calendar with clean blank pages.

I learned some practical things in July I'd love to share with you.

1. First, did you know that taking the time every evening before bed-time to soak my feet is really relaxing?  Bath and Body Works had their Aromatherapy products on sale in July and so I bought the stress relief formula of the foot scrub and also the lotion. Heaven! Who knew doing such a small thing could yield big benefits?

Perhaps, more than anything, just taking the time to wind down and perform this small act of self-care is what means so much.

2. If you are one of my regular readers, you know I love timers. I put my timer recently to work in the mornings. I am working so hard on getting up earlier so that I can take time to have Quiet Time with the Lord. I set my timer so that I don't have to worry about forgetting the time and ending up being late for work. It's working well. I do have a lot of problem quieting my thoughts but I'm getting there. It seems to start the day off so well. I feel ready to take on the day!

Things I Enjoyed Looking at in July

July Family Pics
3. Another simple but practical thing I am doing concerns my bu-jo (bullet journal). I've been adding a Habit Tracker feature to each of my weekly pages. Knowing my tendency to go all crazy, I have limited myself to just 3 things per day to work on. I like seeing those squares filled in each day!

In looking over my notes for July, I see a ton of quotes and awesome links. If I expounded on each one, we'd be here til the cows come home, so let me do my favorite thing and list them for you:

“The times we find ourselves having to wait on others may be the perfect opportunities to train ourselves to wait on the Lord.” Joni Eareckson Tada

“A strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink.”  ~Unknown, seen at Southern

The devil I am to resist and he will flee from me, but the lusts of the flesh, I must flee, or they will surely overcome me.
~ Morning Verse, July 25

 Salt only takes effect upon being rubbed onto something.

~ Joanne Viola, Be Salt

The kingdom of God has never relied on votes for its power. We have all the power we already need.

… Leslie Leyland Fields, One Beautiful Truth about the RNC

“... reversed thunder,” by praying God’s own promises back to Him.” ~… Michele Morin, Move Heaven, Change Nations

“God, why can’t I let go?”
“Because you don’t believe in the end I’ll get it right,” His reply comes quick.

And there it is. ~ Scribing the Journey, "For When You Can't Quit Worrying"

This month, I've also had some great conversations with my buddy Dayna. Iron sharpens iron, it is said, and we've actually had some brilliant conversations. I've decided to call them "isms" when we state a truth in a colorful way. (I was going to call them truisms, but said, "Truism stands for a certain kind of truth—a cliché, a platitude, something so self-evident that it is hardly worth mentioning."

What? Of course, it is worth mentioning.

Here is a Dayna-ism:

When you got stinkin' thinkin' going on, it's time to deodorize with the Word of God.

And a Jerralea-ism:

Looking back makes us get our necks out of joint.

And that's a wrap!


I'm linking up with Arabah Joy, #FreshMarketFriday and Word of God Speak today.


  1. I like that timer idea. I also enjoyed the quotes you shared. We have a list of Moisi-isms, things my dear old pop will say in his broken English.

  2. Sounds like you are continuing to grow as a Christian! So nice to visit you today via Crystal's site. May God continue to reveal Himself to you and you seek Him daily. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and may God bless you and yours!

  3. Sounds as if we all need our own personal Dayna in our lives!
    Fun to get these insights into your July life!

  4. I want to know more about what a bullet journal is!! Do you buy one or make one?? please explain...i love journaling and really only use my blog now or my 1000 gifts one i created based on Ann Voscamp's book

    you have some AWESOME quotes here!!! Loved reading them all.

    and those lake know I love kayaking on a nice quiet lake (no whitewater rapids for me!!)


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