Friday, February 14, 2025

But God Says

Today, I'm joining the Five Minute Friday group of writers who free write on a prompt for five minutes. This week's prompt is the word, "but." This is a word with several possibilities! 

I chose to go this route:

I submit that as a believer in Christ, I am to live an opposite life from what my peers think is a successful existence.

The world says look out for number one - yourself; but God says * to esteem others above yourself.

Our culture's attitude says to accumulate wealth - the one who has the most toys when he dies wins. But God says ** lay up treasures in heaven that can never rust, fade away or be stolen.

In our world self image is everything. But God says *** He wants to make you into the image of Jesus.

YOLO - You only Live Once - is the heart's cry of this generation; but God says you will live forever in eternity. You must choose whether it is with Him or in Hell. ****

You have one beautiful, precious, irreplacable life. How will you choose to live it?


In the interest of full disclosure, I wrote the above post in 5 minutes, but took extra time to make a graphic and look up scripture references.

Thanks for dropping by the Journey! I want to always share my post, A Ticket Home, for those who might not know the way Home.

A current post is How to Survive and Thrive in 2025. I'd be honored to share it with you.

Have you read my Transformation Series? It’s just as vital today as when I wrote it in 2023. Click here to read all the posts.

Also, this time of year is the perfect time to consider how much margin is in your life. You may want to read my series A Rich and Satisying Life. (No, it’s not about money.)

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy. 

Sharing at Five Minute Friday and InstaEncouragement Link-Up and Let's Have Coffee

Friday, January 31, 2025

Second in My Life

It's been a time since I have participated in 5 Minute Friday; but I have missed being part of the group that free writes for 5 minutes on a writing prompt. 2025 seems like a great time to dive back in, so here goes:


When I was a kid, I was taught a little rhyme which said,

Jesus, and Others, then You. 
What a wonderful way to spell joy!

I think most Christ followers know - and try - to put Jesus first in their lives and in their daily thoughts. Then we dive into the day and it all becomes about us, about our agenda and what we need to get done.

I'm convicted I do a lot of thinking about me, actually.

But the second part of the JOY formula is to focus on others.

As a wife, mom and MiMi, I felt I had that covered. After all, a family takes a lot of time and attention.

On the other hand, my family is an extension of myself. When they are happy and safe, I feel good. So I could really call focusing on my family the same thing as focusing on myself.

I believe the Others part of that formula means my community. Am I praying for them? Serving them? Really seeing them? Lending a listening ear?


My 5 minutes are up! Wow, writing time went quickly.

I would like to sum up the past 5 minutes of writing this way: Make room for the second thing which is ministering to others in whatever way God leads you to use your talents.

I think this is one of the keys to living a blest life.

Never act from motives of rivalry or personal vanity, but in humility think more of each other than you do of yourselves. None of you should think only of his own affairs, but should learn to see things from other people’s point of view. Philippians 2:3-4 J.B. Phillips Translation

If I esteem others in my community above myself, and my community esteems me and the others above themselves, then we have a community where everyone is valued. 


Thanks for dropping by the Journey! I want to always share my post, A Ticket Home, for those who might not know the way Home.

A current post is How to Survive and Thrive in 2025. I'd be honored to share it with you.

Have you read my Transformation Series? It’s just as vital today as when I wrote it in 2023. Click here to read all the posts.

Also, this time of year is the perfect time to consider how much margin is in your life. You may want to read my series A Rich and Satisying Life. (No, it’s not about money.)

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy. 

Sharing at 5 Minute Friday


Monday, January 20, 2025

Perfect and Proven

As for God, His way is perfect;
The word of the Lord is proven;
He is a shield to all who trust in Him.                             
2 Samuel 22:31 NKJV




I am in agreement with the statement Your word is proven – You have never failed us, and Your word always comes to pass.

I love that You shield everyone who puts their trust in You. I feel that since You are so much greater than any of Your creatures, Your shield is large enough to keep out anything the enemy sends our way. The only things You allow to touch us are tests You intend to use to bring about good.


The key is will we trust You? Even when it doesn’t look like it is going to go good, we need to affirm our trust in You. I always remember one of God's saints, Bro. Chapman, saying the one thing God wants from us is our trust – even more than our love!


Today, may each of us settle in our hearts that we trust You with our very lives. Let us take courage, knowing You are a good, good Father.


In Jesus’ name, so be it, amen. 


Hello, dear readers. It’s been quite awhile since I have posted on this blog. I am still working with my writing coach: and we are on the last quarter of my novel. However, I have missed blogging terribly.

I’m excited to announce that my work schedule has lessened. I now consider myself “semi-retired.” Instead of working 6 days a week, I’m condensing my work into 3 days a week. More writing time is available! More blogging time can be penciled in on my schedule! Therefore, look for new posts from me at least once a month here, and also at 

My latest post is How to Survive and Thrive in 2025. I'd be honored to share it with you.

Have you read my Transformation Series? It’s just as vital today as when I wrote it in 2023. Click here to read all the posts.

Also, this time of year is the perfect time to consider how much margin is in your life. You may want to read my series A Rich and Satisying Life. (No, it’s not about money.)

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy. 

Sharing at Grace & Truth and Sweet Tea & Friends

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Redeemed and Adopted Because He Came

But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!”
Galatians 4:4-6 NKJV

We are so thankful You sent Jesus to buy us back from the clutches of bondage to the law. You knew we could never free ourselves since we could never perfectly keep the law. The law was to show us we needed a Savior!

But not only did Jesus come to save us, but You went further ... You made it possible for the Redeemed to become Your sons and daughters. Your Spirit makes it possible for us to call You our Daddy, our Father, our God.

Today, Abba, we honor You, praise You and love You. Because Jesus came, we will live with You forever in Your heavenly home. What greater gift could there be?

Maranatha! Looking forward to the day when we are Home! In Jesus' name, so be it, amen


For years now, I have been posting about the blessings we have since Jesus had came to earth. Had He not have come to live among us in the flesh ... I know life would not be near as bright and hope-filled as it is. There would be no sweet little Christmas plays with toddlers playing Mary and Joseph.

It would be a dark world indeed. 

But He DID come. Just like scripture said He would.

Just like He came after years of prophecy, He will come again in the near future and fulfill every word ever prophesied about Him. I want to be ready when it happens.

Please look below for links to previous posts examining the blessings we have because He came.

Day 1 - I Have Life Everlasting

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Praise Posts 2024 - Day 10

 Grateful for Scripture

I rejoice at Your word
As one who finds great treasure.

Psalm 119:162 New King James Version




Words cannot express my gratitude for You providing the scriptures for us. I can’t imagine our lives without them! They teach us about You and Your unfailing love. They give us hope and comfort and direction. It is the greatest physical treasure we have along with our assurance of salvation.


Perhaps in eternity, You will provide us with the REST OF THE STORY. All the unseen and unrecorded things You did to keep your people going. I’m amazed at how You weave all our stories together and produce something beautiful!


You are the ultimate amazement! There is no one like You! We love You! We worship You! We honor You!


In Jesus’ name, so be it, amen.

Welcome to the final day of Praise Posts 2024, a tradition that has been featured on the Journey every November since 2014.

This year’s praise posts were 10 days of prayers of gratitude based on scripture thanking God for the blessings I've enjoyed, and also available to every believer who has accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. There are links below to each Praise Post.

I pray you enjoy, and also are prompted to make your own list of thankfuls. (It doesn't have to be just for Thanksgiving - being grateful is good every day of the year!)

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy. 


Thanks for dropping by the Journey! I want to always share my post, A Ticket Home, for those who might not know the way Home.

Have you read my Transformation Series yet? The landing page for all the posts can be found at Transformation: Becoming an Effective Prayer Warrior.

Previous Posts: 

Day 9

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Praise Posts 2024 - Day 9

Grateful for a Rescuer

Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God,

    and keep the vows you made to the Most High.
Then call on me when you are in trouble,
    and I will rescue you,
    and you will give me glory.”

 Psalm 50:14-15 New Living Translation

Thank You for the air in our lungs, today. Thank You when we opened our eyes, we could see. Thank You we could experience touch when we hugged our loved ones and then went out into the world.
There is so much to be thankful for! Yet sometimes, when life is heavy and the way seems steep, we might view it as a sacrifice to have a thankful spirit. You said if we would keep gratitude in our hearts, even in those times, we could count of You to rescue us.
For my friends who need rescuing today, I pray You will do it speedily. I pray they will give You glory and spread the word: There is a God who cares about the concerns of His children.
In Jesus’ name, so be it, amen. 

Welcome to Day 9 of Praise Posts 2024, a tradition that has been featured on the Journey every November since 2014.

Over the years, I've given my Lord praise for all sorts of things, big and small.

This year’s praise posts are going to be 10 days of prayers of gratitude based on scripture thanking God for the blessings I've enjoyed, and also available to every believer who has accepted Jesus as their personal Savior.

Join me, won't you?

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy. 


Thanks for dropping by the Journey! I want to always share my post, A Ticket Home, for those who might not know the way Home.

Have you read my Transformation Series yet? The landing page for all the posts can be found at Transformation: Becoming an Effective Prayer Warrior.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Praise Posts 2024 - Day 8


You are my hiding place and my shield;
I hope in Your word. Psalm 119:114 New King James Version




I thank You for being our hiding place and our protection. Let us rest in the fact You provide shelter from the enemy’s tricks and devices.


Thank You for Your glorious word which cleanses us, exhorts us, establishes us, and when we need to, we can use it as a sword to fight off the enemy!

We praise You and worship You. We don’t have enough words to express our gratitude.


And now, I ask each of my family and friends be shielded from harm today. Let them each run to You with their every need.


In Jesus’ name, so be it, amen.

Welcome to Day 8 of Praise Posts 2024, a tradition that has been featured on the Journey every November since 2014.

Over the years, I've given my Lord praise for all sorts of things, big and small.

This year’s praise posts are going to be 10 days of prayers of gratitude based on scripture thanking God for the blessings I've enjoyed, and also available to every believer who has accepted Jesus as their personal Savior.

Join me, won't you?

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy. 


Thanks for dropping by the Journey! I want to always share my post, A Ticket Home, for those who might not know the way Home.

Have you read my Transformation Series yet? The landing page for all the posts can be found at Transformation: Becoming an Effective Prayer Warrior.